Zeez Users’ Stories

Most Zeez users have had long term sleep issues, despite excellent sleep hygiene, and good nutrition. In our 2016 tests, 79% slept better, using Zeez technology. Now, using a Zeez device alongside a supportive lifestyle and good food, around 90% report better sleep.

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What People Say 

Click on one of these links to open a new tab and find out more.

Difficulty falling asleep? Lucy Andrew [Tom Ryle]

Waking up in the night? Bettina

Waking up too early / not able to sleep for very long? Gabrielle  Jeff

Tried everything? Gabrielle

Worried about sleeping pills?  Jim Bettina 

Noise disturbing your sleep? Snoring? Jemma

Jet Lag? Can’t get back into a normal rhythm? Louis Tom

Feel tired in the day? Pat Lucy Andrew

Worried about the effect of poor sleep on your appetite and eating? Weight and Body Fat? Pat Tom

Stressed during the day? Tired and emotional?   Gabrielle Pat Tom

Stress or Anxiety stopping you from sleeping? [Anna] [Simone] . Jim

Wondering whether the Zeez Sleep Pebble could help a person with chronic fatigue syndrome to sleep? Andrew

Wondering whether the Zeez Sleep Pebble could help a person with Parkinson’s to sleep? Linda

Wondering whether the Zeez Sleep Pebble could help a person with PTSD and nightmares to sleep? Jeff

Wondering whether the Zeez Sleep Pebble could help a person with Larium / mefloquine induced nightmares to sleep? Jeff

Want to learn effectively and perform mentally as well as you can? Lucy Joy

Want to perform physically as well as you can? Joy Tom

Has listening out for children at night wrecked your sleep pattern? Jemma Gabrielle